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 OI and G-SUIT

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G-suit Pictures

Model CSU-13B/P Inflated
(Click for larger image.)

G-suit Front - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - inflated and shown for medical useG-suit Back - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - shown for medical use

G-suit Front and Back

G-suit Front and Side - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - inflated and shown for medical useG-suit Back and Side - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - shown for medical use

G-suit Front, Back, and Sides

G-suit Side - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - inflated and shown for medical useG-suit Adjustments or strings in back to adjust size - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - shown for medical use

G-suit Side and Adjustments in back

G-suit Hose - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - inflated and shown for medical use

G-suit Hose

G-suit Labels - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - shown for medical use

G-suit Labels

G-suit Adjustment or strings in back to adjust size - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - shown for medical use G-suit Comfort Zipper - Model CSU-13B/P - also known as anti-g suit or anti-gravity garment usually worn by military fighter pilot - inflated and shown for medical use

G-suit Adjustment and Comfort Zipper

For more information about each part of the g-suit, see also G-suit Basics.

Note: Please be respectful of the copyright of these photos.

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